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Parent Information

Term Dates


Autumn Term
Starts: Monday 5th September
Half Term: 24th October - 30th October
Ends: Friday 16th December
Spring Term
Starts: Tuesday 3rd January

Session Times

​We currently offer:

  • A morning session (8.50am to 11.50am).  This is a mixed aged sessions containing children aged 2 to 5.
  • An afternoon session (12 noon to 3pm).  This session is currently reserved for children in their final year before they start school.
  • A all-day session (8.50am to 3pm) for those children in their final year before they start school.

Policies and Procedures

You can view our policies and procedures by clicking here.  It is a long and detailed document but we urge all parents/carers, staff and other interested parties to read them as it contains important information about how we operate.

This version was updated in the summer of 2022.  We would welcome any feedback.  Let us know what you think! 

Local Offer 

If you think you child may have additional needs we have written a document (click here to view) to explain how we would work with the child, and their family.  We have worked with many different children with additional needs in the past few years and are more than happy to talk through how we could accommodate their needs (and work with the family and any other outside agencies which support them).  Please call us, in confidence, if you would like any further information.

Registration Forms

Please feel free to take a look at our prospectus and download the registration forms for enrolment at William Older Playgroup here: